Saturday, 25 November 2017

Project 100

Back on 17 April 2017, I issued myself the challenge of writing a Blog Post each day for 30 consecutive days.

This morphed in to a Post per day for 140 days and subsequently, I have published an article on all but about 10 days since.

Last week, I issued myself another challenge. My new project is to take at least 100 photos with my camera (not phone) per week for 6 weeks.

My objective is to better understand my camera, its features and what it will allow me to do. I also need to improve my editing and my ability to asses a photo. Finally, I want to improve my skills at deciding on the topic to write about and then set out to take a photo or photos to compliment it.

With all that in mind, refreshed with details about ISO, Aperture, Camera functions and lens options, this week I set off on several photography excursions.

And of the 135 photos, this is my favourite.

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