Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Discrimination Fail

If I am interviewing for a position of employment, there is a range of questions I cannot ask. These include:
  • Age
  • Sexual Preference
  • Religious Beliefs
  • Partnership Status
  • Gender
I probably cannot ask their music or literature preference.

There is a good reason for this. I am not to seek information I do not need when making an employment decision. In fact, to seek such information is considered to be a fore runner to being discriminatory.

I am not allowed to make, or be seen to make a decision to prefer a Male to a Female, Married to Single or Straight to Gay to Transgender. To do otherwise is discriminatory.

I am not allowed to consider skin colour because again, this is discrimination.

Anti-Discrimination regulations do not allow me to consider Catholic versus Protestant versus Agnostic

These are not a Corporate requirement. This is the Law.

Discrimination is recognised in Law as being inappropriate and it is.

In Australia, we consider discrimination to be wrong and to be offensive.

These laws were passed in our Parliament, both houses of our Parliament, without the need to seek my opinion or your opinion by way of a Plebiscite.

So why do we need a plebiscite to remove the discrimination existing in our marriage laws?

High Court of Australia - Do your thing

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