Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Make Today The Best Day Ever - Then Repeat

It is interesting when items of a similar theme pop up in your personal horizon.

I sent a friend a text wishing him a happy birthday. My text read:

“60 years down, 60 to go (at least) happy birthday for yesterday”

He replied saying he has a “different perspective on life expectancy – every day is a good day”.

My text was sent with a light-hearted energy however, intended energy does not transmit via SMS.

I initially felt the reply was a “little serious” but subsequent refection has me feeling otherwise.

Our lives are made up of consecutive “single days” and every day is a good day. In fact, every day is the best day ever.

My friend is absolutely correct. Every Day Is A Good Day.

The concept that “Today is the Best Day Ever” may be challenging to comprehend, but should it be so?

Hendri Coetzee was an adventurer specialising in rafting in beautiful, remote rivers. He passed away on 8 December 2010 when a giant crocodile attacked him while leading a rafting expedition.

He lived the ideal that “Today is the best day ever”.

Hendri expressed it this way:

Yesterday is always in the past, it no longer exists.
Tomorrow has not yet happened: so, it does not exist either.
Today is the only day we will ever live and that makes it the best day ever.

As much as I like the idea and like the concept, equally I find it challenging. I am, we are, so entrenched “gathering stuff” for the elusive future. Stuff may be knowledge, assets, experience or money.

However, be it in our business or personal lives, we are very adept at never quite being ready to make the step, execute the plan, learn the new skill or even take the holiday. All too often there is one more thing to do, another 6 months needed or an additional sum of money in the bank required. We practice delay.

What if we accepted perfection is unattainable and got on with it? What if we made today, the best day ever, and repeated this each day?

Hendri was an adventurer; interestingly, my 60-year-old friend is somewhat of an adventurer too.

What if?

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