Halloween wasn’t
a part of my 1960’s childhood. There was the occasional reference primarily through the Charlie Brown Comic series.
The first
time I realised it was becoming more of a mainstream “thing” was when Primary
School Teacher and then Partner told me about the Halloween sleep over at school.
I suspect I
expressed surprise they were celebrating this ritual, but was dutifully supportive.
Like very
many others, I have been dismissive of Halloween's gradual intrusion into our way of life.
I have put forward the usual arguments including the continued Americanisation
of the Australian way of life, which I know to be a nonsense argument. It is nonsense
because our way of life, like every other country’s way of life is constantly
My next
argument has been the “Commercialisation: of a Pagan Festival.
Again, a nonsense
argument in that I pick and choose my commercialisation prejudices.
I follow a
number of sports (including American sports) and all have become increasingly
commercialised over the years. Those sports that are not, are working to be
more commercial.
However, the self-dismissal
of my own arguments is not the reason I am relaxed about Halloween.
Two years
ago I found myself in America during Halloween, New York City to be specific.
I had always
perceived Halloween to be about witches, warlocks and faces carved from
I happened
to be out and about in Downtown New York City during the morning peak hour rush on Halloween Eve, a Friday
in this case so the last working and school day before the festive day.
Many of the
businesses were decorated for Halloween.
But most
striking was the number of children dressed up for Halloween. Not only were
there witches and warlocks, but any number of other film and cartoon inspired
characters. And the costumes were amazing (in a good way).
There was a
real sense of fun as many business commuters interacted and acknowledged the
children in Halloween theme. It brought smiles to many faces, young and old.
Our group
was staying in Times Square for a few days including Halloween. All day there
was a sense of “party” in and around Times Square however that night, it kicked
up another level. Singing and dancing went on all through the night, and again,
it was the happy celebratory kind of noise, not the drunken kind.
Perhaps Halloween
is a chance for a happy celebration and coming together of people of all ages,
from all walks of life. A gathering of people where country of origin,
religious beliefs and gender is irrelevant. Where political and sexual
preferences are cast aside.
Halloween in Australia can be cast as a neutral celebration with a positive
meaning and outcome. And this can start in the Primary Schools and filter
through society as these children become teenagers and adults.
It is worth
a try.