Thursday, 27 July 2017

101 Articles in 101 Days

101 days ago, I commenced a self-issued challenge to post a new article each day for 30 consecutive days.

Today marks the 101st consecutive post.

There are several reasons I continued past the 30 days including:

I was aware from feedback that a number of readers were looking at each day’s post at the same time as part of their daily routine. I felt a sort of obligation to continue and on occasions only posted because I knew they would be logging on and expecting to read something at 6am the next day.

At different times, it has been hard to write a daily article while at other times it is easy. Many days I sat at my desk to write the obligatory post and drew a blank. The majority of days I have had absolute clarity of subject and the article is clearly outlined in my mind.  

However, strange as it may seem, the writing process has proven easier and quality of output far more to my liking and of better quality on the days I have started with no idea of what the article will be about.

Conversely, the opposite has been the case. Articles I am least pleased with have resulted from when I have had absolute clarity about what it is I want to say.

I continue to be amazed at what articles attract the most readers and by the geographical spread of readers. Australia is the clear leader followed by the United States. There is then a gap to Germany and Italy where numbers are very much the same. Poland, Ukraine and Philippine numbers have grown while Russia and Singapore have dropped off.

Where to from here?

I intend to continue regular posts but reserve the right to miss a day here and there. I travelled yesterday and had a host of commitments on arrival in Melbourne. My article yesterday was rushed and I was not at all happy with it and should not have posted it. I did so only because it was day 100. In reality, I was disrespecting the reader by submitting something of a quality I was not pleased or satisfied with. If the same situation occurs again, I will not post.

Thank you to all readers, regular and occasional. Thank you for all feedback, it is always appreciated and has been remarkably accurate and constructive.

Finally, thank you (again) to Toula who has continued to proof read just about every article – I am incredibly appreciative.

As always, ideas for articles are welcome.

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