Old Cold War Allies have banded together
to expel Russian Diplomats. Russia will most certainly respond in kind,
How did that work for you all last time?
You know, back when we had a big wall separating East from West and all those
execution style deaths on park benches on cold European winter days.
Or did I watch too many iron curtain
related movies from many years ago?
Speaking of wars, the student rallies in
the United States supporting of gun control laws reminded me of another time
students rallied and changed the world.
I am reminded of the University students
around the world protesting against the United States and its allies ongoing involvement
in the war in Vietnam.
The student protests in the USA this past week have been
impressive as has been the eloquence of their spokespeople. It all indicates great
hope these leaders of the future will bring a more compassionate, inclusive and
peaceful voice to the world.
Then again, the political elite
of today were also the generation taking action to bring about the end of the
Vietnam War.
How quickly they moved on, or did they
simply forget?
I will however remain positive. The
students of the 1970’s were protesting against a war. The students of today are
rallying in support of gun control.
It is after all far easier to be against
something than it is to stand for something.
In our still successful, but stumbling
democracies, the narrative has increasingly been negative.
I know of rusted on Democrats who voted
Republican in the Presidential election, or as they put it, they voted against
Hilary Clinton.
Perhaps the biggest thing to come out of
the rallies in support of gun control will be a generation that once again
stands for something rather than taking the easier and less intellectual stance
of being against what the other person is in favour of.
We can but hope.
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