The Coral
Sea Battle was a turning point in the Pacific Theatre of World War Two and the consequences
for Australia should the battle be lost were too horrific to comprehend. It is
not an exaggeration to say had the battle been lost, the lifestyle we enjoy and
the freedoms we take for granted now, would have been very different.
There has
been some criticism of Malcolm Turnbull travelling to New York so close to the
handing down of the 2017 Federal Budget.
It appears
however, the primary motivation driving the decision to travel to New York was
the opportunity to meet face to face with Donald Trump.
I have no
issue with the Prime Minister going out of his way to meet with the Leader of the
country that we rely so heavily on across a very range of things. He should.
I have no
issue with a country of our size being viewed as a very important ally, be it
in a relatively minor way. The facts suggest we are not an economic, trading,
technology or military powerhouse in world terms.
I do however
have an issue with Malcolm Turnbull’s New York trip.
It appears
to me, the decision for the Prime Minister to personally represent Australia at
the Commemoration was made only after the opportunity to meet The President
In my
opinion, the role the United States played and the sacrifices they made in
support of Australian Naval forces in the Coral Sea Battle was the difference
between victory and Japanese invasion.
Further, our
Prime Minister should have attended the 75th anniversary commemoration
of the battle out of respect for our Ally in the Battle. No other reason should
have been necessary and any meeting with Donald Trump should have been a bonus.
importance of the Coral Sea Battle to the Australia we know today should have
been reason enough.
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