Tuesday, 2 January 2024

We Were Horny Then

Remember the 60’s, flower power and free love.

 Then there was Sex, Drugs and Rock 'n Roll in the 70’s and 80’s.

 It is all a bit dull in 2023, isn’t it?

At the end of each year, Google releases various data about the most search or Googled things of the year.

 The 2023 most Googled sex questions came to my attention and I was a little shocked.

I guess searching for details about a particular sex position could be expected and in 2023, the question concerned the speed hump position. But for this to be the number one question surprised me a little. There must be more interesting and adventurous positions to ask about, or invent.

The 5th most popular question concerned how many dates should occur before sex. Sometimes one date is too many and one hundred not enough. Is it still 3 dates?

 While first being shocked at the mainly benign nature of the most popular questions a little reflection had me wondering if the easy access to graphic and unrealistic vision via numerous adult websites is having an impact on what we already know or think we know.

 Or maybe we are genuinely becoming more conservative in our teenage sexual explorations and there is less peer pressure to conform to stereotype.

 But putting all that aside, the tenth most popular sex questions posed to Google in 2023 particularly surprised me.

 he subject upon which information was being sort had never entered my consciousness. Further, I am not aware of it ever entering the consciousness of anyone I know.

I would be interested, at least I think I would be interested to know if it has ever entered the thoughts of anyone reading this. (marine biologists excepted)

Then again, is it possible I am the only person who has never wondered, considered or contemplated “How do fish have sex”

 For those interested, here is the source article   

Monday, 1 January 2024

Writers' Write

I identify as a cyclist; therefore, I ride my bike several times a week.

I identify as a runner, and likewise, I go for a run several times a week.

I identify as a reader of books and read on an almost daily basis.

I identify as many things, and practice each on a regular basis as appropriate to what each is.

I identify as a writer, but over the last 12 months, I have very rarely written.

Writing is an outlet, a recording of ideas, opinions, events, observations, and conversations.

Regular writing has many benefits.

When writing regularly, my senses of observation seem to grow along with the ability to recall and interpret. It is like a muscle that grows stronger with use.

When writing regularly, conversations that are seemingly mundane become more interesting because the tendency is to concentrate and ask questions, to learn because everyone is a teacher.

Diverting for a moment.

I do not like New Year resolutions. I see no reason why a selected date should be the date to start or stop something. Often, a New Years Resolution is an excuse to delay an action. What is the point of saying in August, come 1 January I will do this or that? It is more correctly called a New Year procrastination.

All year long we do minor versions of a New Year procrastination. We put off doing something until the first of the month, next Monday or at a more micro level, until the top of the hour. All are procrastination facilitators.

I am an expert at facilitating procrastinations. I will decide to go for a run at 6 am and then waste 12 minutes waiting until 6 am.

I am set on changing this habit right now, this moment at a day, date and time that is now.

Where was I before this little diversion?

In 2024, I will discover new music. We do run the risk of being set in our musical ways and retreating to the comfort of what we know. I will write about my discoveries.

In 2024, I will read at least 26 books, Now, this is not one book per fortnight, it just happens to be a number that equals the number of fortnights. I will discuss books in writing too. I will allocate time each week for focused, uninterrupted reading.

Last year, I delved in to the world of YouTube creating with my Melbourne Marathon project. I will diversify and expand my YouTube creativity in 2024. I might even write about it.

The downside of writing, or any creating is vulnerability. I tend to deal in the real rather than fictional exposing myself to judgement and criticism. No one likes criticism however, if I am to express an opinion, I must be open to others doing the same, about me.

When expressing a critical opinion, I will acknowledge the other side of the argument and always offer a solution. It is easy to be critical, however a critical opinion is only ever of value if it includes a solution. Please call me out if I fall short on either front.

Economics has been a long term interest. I am however moving away from the graphs and data, the science, the art and the analysis. Instead, I am establishing the “Observational Economist” This is the looking at the economy by way of observing changes in behaviour, intent, and mood in real or at least recent time rather than 3 months, 6 months later.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) fascinates me. I am determined to learn more about it and to share my findings from the basis of every day use by normal people. Most of the talk around AI seems aimed at big business, big money endeavours. My interest is the everyday applications of this new wonder. I will write about it.

I am also looking at The Absurd, and there is an abundance of things to look at. Feel free to offer suggestions.

Finally, I will be establishing a new or alternative platform, although posts will continue here, I will be transitioning to a new site in the coming weeks.

Welcome to 2024, a year of new beginnings, new discoveries, connections or re-connections and of thoughtful, meaningful, and respectful conversations.

I identify as a writer and I write regularly.